My attempts to breed an almond that can survive in this climate, while being farmed next to the walnuts and pecans, were successful!

Another thing I found out was that I have three testes rather than just two!

They're these cute finals, see. Calc, Econ, and Chinese. I didn't think I had one for Chinese after the project. They're not hard at all, and the teachers print them out all cute. They're my adorable little exams, my testes!

What's really been bothering me is that there's another nad with the other two that wasn't there before.

I promise you, the last time I checked, Russell wasn't a part of that generation of the honorable Nad family.

The day got even stranger once I noticed that I had three balls.

But you gotta figure, that makes me only more of a man! And plus, now I can bet off the left one without a net loss!

And that was pretty much my day.