Now, due to the recent downward spiral of my own web based comic, Verge of Dementia, I thought to myself. “Brett you amazing son of a bitch, why just do comics? That’s a needless cap on your boundless wit, charm, sarcasm…”… and then it sort of trailed off because I was trying to make sweet unnatural love to my own mind. Anyway, back to the issue at hand. Taking a page (or a few) from several of my influences I decided to turn into more of a blog format. It sounds cliché and I’ve always hated bloggers because they are all usually pricks with nothing of real value to say to anyone and only whine about their own pseudo-angst. Nobody wants to hear about how your parents don’t understand your big ideas, and how much suffering you’ve felt just because daddy didn’t hug you. So you won’t be hearing any of that drek on here.
You all may be thinking (that’s right, I’m talking to all four of you out there) “But Brett you man-stud, who will aid you in your quest of spiting the world for merely existing?” That’s a good question, and as usual I have all of the answers you seek! Now I have no confirmation yet (But I have dirty pictures of them doing horrible things to billy goats as leverage) but I’m hoping to get two good…. Well they aren’t friends… more like allies… to write their thoughts and opinions on the site just so that you aren’t constantly listening to me. Even though I know you want to. So stay tuned true believers, for the only words you ever need to hear from the slaves here at Our Hands Are Oranges.
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