The theory of monkey revolution was first brought to the publics eyes when French author Pierre Boulle wrote his novel La Planète des Singes in 1963. But being as Pierre suffered the unfortunate handicap of being French, the good ol' US of A perfected his story in 1968 with the well known documentary, Planet of the Apes.

Artist's rendering of Events
So there you have it. Irrefutable proof that in a matter of years, monkeys will be our dominant overlords, laughing maniacally as the once mighty race of humans huddle in fear of their superior technology and horses. That or it'll be the Chinese. Whatever
When reached for comment, Dr. Zaius proved to be a fictional character, and thus unable to comment. That damn dirty ape.
P.S. - While I was researching (read: Half-Assing) this article, I came across the fact that Charlton Heston has passed away. Rest in peace you angry, angry man.
When reached for comment, Dr. Zaius proved to be a fictional character, and thus unable to comment. That damn dirty ape.

P.S. - While I was researching (read: Half-Assing) this article, I came across the fact that Charlton Heston has passed away. Rest in peace you angry, angry man.
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