Friday, April 4, 2008

The case of the stolen socks. How chilling!

Many of you (if there's any of you) who use the college laundry rooms have left, thinking that you have all your clothes, but when you get back to your residence, you will realize that, in your sweet blissful ignorance, you have lost a sock somewhere!
Retrace your steps, check the dryer, check the washer, check your foot, try as you will, but it is apparent that your sock is gone. And there is only one explanation.


Our finest detectives were the first on the case.

Below you see an unclear picture of what appears to be a tall, handsome male with black n' sexy hair carrying a box, going about what appears to be his business. But what is his business? It appears to be SOCK STEALING!

Wow!  What hair!

Later, we discovered what appears to be the box that the suspect was carrying to be full of what appear to be socks.

We decided against taking the socks in for evidence.  Too heavy.

Left next to the box was an incriminating letter, written on what appears to be normal white paper, but without any fingerprints or blood left, we could not identify what would appear to be who the letter was sent to.

We didn't read it.  What kind of people do you think we detectives are?

To recap:
The vehicle was unknown, but from his hair, we can determine that it must've been pretty badass.

At this point in the case, our finest detectives made an important discovery:
No one cares about their damn socks enough.

After this discovery, they quickly found out the culprit, the same criminal determined responsible for putting gum underneath desks, plotting to kill Brett, leaving doors open, spitting on short people, plotting to kill Brett twice, jaywalking, and other such crimes that, again, no one cares about.

It was, of course, EVIL BANANA.
Note the eeeeevil mustache.

The elusive, malevolent, scapegoat fruit that has a rap sheet as big as my ego.
My beautiful, beautiful, ego.

Our detectives went on to play Super Smash Bros Brawl, and gamed happily ever after.

Sometimes you lose socks.
Deal with it.
I, on the other hand, have actually gained seven socks since coming to college!
Wearing your mismatched socks,

P.S. In response to allegations that I am what has been called a "shrubfucker", I must first deny any physical relations between me and any grass-type Pokemon or any unhealthy or sexual relationship between me and any plants.
P.P.S. t('.'-t)
P.P.P.S. That's Kirby flipping you off, Brett.
P.P.P.P.S. Die.

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